At Harris Primary Academy Merton we take students' individual educational needs very seriously. We understand that not every child learns in the same way, nor at the same pace. Due to this there are a number of provisions in place to help our children learn at the best of their ability.Under the new code children with complex Special Educational Needs will be given an Educational Health Care plan (EHC). For some students this will mean being educated in a specialist provision. Where it is felt that these children can still be educated in a mainstream setting, the support outlined in the EHC plan will be provided by the Academy in collaboration with the Local Authority. We are very proud to hold the Inclusion Quality Mark Centre Of Excellence Award. It is the responsibility of the Academy to provide for all other children with additional needs. SEN will now be categorised under four main headings. -
Communication and Interaction - this includes speech, language and communication needs and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. -
Cognition and Learning - this includes specific learning difficulties. -
Social, emotional and mental health. -
Sensory needs - this includes visual and hearing impairments. The code of practice explains that once a potential SEN is identified, four types of action are needed to put effective support into place. The four actions are; -
Assess; the class teacher and SENCO should clearly analyse a pupil's needs before identifying a child as needing SEN support. -
Plan; parents must be notified wherever it is decided that a pupil is to be provided with SEN support. The class teacher, the SENCO and parents should collaborate on problem solving, planning, support and strategies. -
Do; implement the agreed support and set a date for a review. -
Review; the effectiveness of the support should be reviewed in line with the agreed date. Our Plan  We are an inclusive school and for most of our students that have SEN their needs can be met within the classroom, through quality teaching and adapted resources. For those that require additional support or a more specific type of support we will continue to involve outside agencies such as Educational Psychologists and Speech and Language therapists. We have a number of specific Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistants. They will aim to help those within the classroom that need help in certain areas such as maths and literacy. SEND Information Report Our SEND Information report is available below. The SEND local offer for Merton can be found by clicking here. Additionally Resourced Provisions Unit Within the Academy we have an Additionally Resourced Provisions Unit (ARP) that aims to help those that are on the autistic spectrum or have severe speech, language and communication disorders. We have a wonderful team working within the unit who work with the children on a 1:2 or 1:3 basis helping them to learn in ways that best suit their individual needs. Many of the children in the ARP struggle to remain in a full time mainstream setting, however, we ensure we provide them opportuniites to attend specific lessons with their mainstream peers. Developing the Local Offer If you would like to suggest any information to add which would support you as a parent or young person, or have any comments or feedback about the Merton Local Offer, please do get in touch. You can use the Contact form or send an email to Parents / Carers We value our partnership with parents and are keen to provide support to families to ensure the best outcomes for our pupils. The support offered is tailored to each individual family’s need's and may include support to understand a diagnosis, advice on strategies that can be used within the home and signposting to information, resources, and additional support. We have an open-door policy and also hold regular events for parents and carers including workshops and coffee mornings. Complaints Procedures If any parent is concerned about the provision for the SEND in the Academy they should contact class teacher to discuss their worries in the first instance. If they feel that they need further information or discussions regarding the provision please contact the SEND team and we will contact you. Should the parent not be happy with the outcome, the complaint should be put in writing and addressed to the Principal, Mrs Emma Catley. You may also contact the School Governor with responsibility for SEND. His name is Alan Palmer and he can be contacted via email through the school office. |